7 Reasons Your Second
Relationship Is Scarier Than Your First
Prepared by: Entry Tep
Prepared by: Entry Tep
There’s lots of talk about relationships,
but a good chunk of it is focused on first relationships.
After all, if you’ve never been in relationship before, you’re curious about what exactly it’s like. When you actually
get into a relationship, you will have even more questions.
You’ll definitely discover a lot of things inyour first relationship, but subsequent ones can be just as
emotional. And I would like to make a case that your second relationship can be
scarier than your first.
When you go into your
second relationship, you’re more familiar with how
the game works. You are also acquainted with the pain of breaking up, and the
other sad things about relationships. That can leave you more vulnerable and
worried. I don’t want you to stress out in your relationship. I want you to enjoy it. I also want you to
be aware that there might be times where you question your relationship based
on past experience. If you recognize you’re doing it, you can evaluate why
and hopefully come up with a solution.
Here are seven reasons why your
second relationship is scarier than your first.
1. You
Understand What Heartbreak Is Like
I touched on this in the intro. Prior to your first
relationship, you might have experienced rejection from crushes. That can be
painful, but it's often not quite as heart-wrenching as breaking up with
someone in a relationship. You likely grew to love the person and get to know
them on an intimate level. When you go your separate ways, it can be very hard.
And it can make you fearful of putting your heart out there again.
2. You Will Be Comparing Your New Relationship To Your Old One
We're humans and we're naturally going to compare ourselves
to others. That includes comparing our new relationships to our old ones. No
matter how much time has gone by, you'll likely do it. If you're feeling
insecure about your second relationship, it will only make it worse. You might
have to consciously remind yourself to stop doing it. Try to remember that each
relationship is different and has its own pace.
3. You Might Not Be Completely Over Your Ex
When you get into a new relationship, you might suddenly find
those feeling about your ex are coming back. It might catch you out of the
blue. It's natural. If you're suddenly kissing someone and the last person you
smooched was your ex, the old feelings can come right back. What can be even
scarier is that you'll have to make the decision whether you're over your ex
enough to pursue this relationship or not.
4. You
Will Have More Realistic Expectations
we're in our first relationship, we tend to look at the world through
rose-tinted glasses. Everything is perfect, bae is perfect, and you and your SO
might be the couple who gets together in high school and ends up married. Once
you've experienced heartbreak, you will find yourself having less fairy tale
fantasies and know in the back of your mind that there is a possibility that
this relationship might fizzle out like your first.
5. You'll
Be More Concerned About Your New Bae Coming With Baggage
bae from your first relationship might have had exes to deal with. I bet they
stressed you out. Now that you have a bit of baggage yourself, you might see
exes as even greater threat because you have more of an idea what they can be
like. For the sake of your new relationship, you have to try and put your and
your new bae's past relationships behind you and focus on what you've got.
6. You'll
Find Yourself Analyzing Things More
up if you have a tendency to analyze everything bae does or says? You are
probably very familiar with doing it with your crush and in your other
relationship. You might be looking for signs that your second relationship is
heading on a downward spiral, like your other relationship. If you notice
patterns between your first and second, it will likely freak you out. So, try
to stop it.
7. Your
Will Wonder Whether You're Good Enough
Most people go through moments of self-doubt. You cannot have
the good without those bad days. Because you've been through one breakup, you
might question whether you're a worthy catch for anyone. Sometimes, the
thoughts can be all-consuming. Try your best to stop them, girl. You are good
enough. You had a breakup, so what? It wasn't because of you. It's because you
and your ex turned out not to be the perfect match. There will be others out
there who are much better for you. I swear.
Source: gurl
Source: gurl